Exploring the Web Storage APIs

For years, if we wanted to store local data we would look to using HTTP cookies—a convenient way to persist small amounts of data on a user’s machine. And we do mean small: cookies are limited to about 4KB apiece. Also, the cookie is passed along with every request and response even if it isn’t used, making for heavy HTTP messaging.

Enter the web storage APIs, a way for you to store key/value paired string values on a user’s machine. Local storage provides much more space—modern browsers support a minimum of 5MB, much more than the 4KB for cookies.

When using web storage, we can implement either localStorage or sessionStorage from the Storage object. Let’s work through how to accomplish this.

Checking web storage compatibility

Although most browsers support web storage, you still should be a good developer and verify that a user isn’t using an unusually old browser like IE6:

function isWebStorageSupported() {
   return 'localStorage' in window;

When to use localStorage or sessionStorage

The localStorage and sessionStorage APIs are nearly identical with one key exception: persistence.

The sessionStorage object is only available for the duration of the browser session, and is deleted automatically when the window is closed. However, it does stick around for page reloads.

Meanwhile, localStorage is persisted until it is explicitly by the site or the user. All changes made to localStorage are available for all current and future visits to the site.

Whatever the case, both localStorage and sessionStorage work well when working with non-sensitive data needed within an application since data stored in localStorage and sessionStorage can easily be read or updated from a user’s browser.

Web storage API methods and properties

The following is a list of methods and properties available on global Storage object’s localStorage and sessionStorage variables.

  • key(index) - finds a key at a given index. As with finding indexes in other code you write, you should check the length before finding an index to avoid any null or out-of-range exceptions.
  • getItem(key) - retrieve a value by using the associated key.
  • setItem(key, value) - stores a value by using the associated key. Whether you are setting a new value or updating an existing value, the syntax is the same.
  • removeItem(key) - removes a value from local storage.
  • clear() - removes all items from storage.
  • length - a read-only property that gets the number of entries being stored.

Storing objects

While you can only have string values in web storage, you can store arrays or even JavaScript objects using the JSON notation and the available utility methods, like in the following example.

var player = { firstName: 'Kris', lastName: 'Bryant' };
localStorage.setItem('kris', JSON.stringify(player));

You can then use the parse() method to deserialize the kris object.

var player = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('kris'));

Keeping web storage synchronized

How do you keep everything in sync when a user has multiple tabs or browser instances of your site open concurrently? To solve this problem, the web storage APIs have a storage event that is raised whenever an entry is updated (add/update/removed). Subscribing to this event can provide notifications when something has changed. This works for both localStorage and sessionStorage.

Subscribers receive a StorageEvent object that contains data about what changed. The following properties are accessible from the StorageEvent object. The storage event cannot be canceled from a callback. The event is merely a notification mechanism: it informs subscribers when a change happens.

  • key - gets the key. The key will be null if the event was triggered by clear()
  • oldValue - gets the initial value if the entry was updated or removed. Again, the value will be null if an old value did not previously exist, or if clear() is invoked.
  • newValue - gets the new value for new and updated entries. The value is null if the event was triggered by the removeItem() or clear() methods.
  • url - gets the URL of the page on the storage action
  • storageArea - gets a reference to either the localStorage or sessionStorage object

To begin listening for event notifications, you can add an event handler to the storage event as follows.

function respondToEvent(event) {

window.addEventListener('storage', respondToChange, false);

To trigger this event, perform an operation like the following in a new tab from the same site.

localStorage.setItem('player', 'Kris');

The fine print

While web storage offers many benefits over cookies, it is not the end-all, be-all solution, and comes with serious drawbacks as others have noted.

  • Web storage is synchronous - because web storage runs synchronously, it can block the DOM from rendering while I/O is occurring.
  • No indexing or transactional features - web storage does not have indexing, which may incur performance bottlenecks on large data queries. If a user is modifying the same storage data in multiple browser tabs, one tab could potentially overwrite the value in another.
  • Web storage does I/O on your hard drive - because web storage writes to your hard drive, it can be an expensive operation depending on what your system is currently doing (virus scanning, indexing data, etc.) While you can store a lot more data in local storage, you’ll need to be cognizant of performance.
  • Persistence - if a user no longer uses a site and storage is not explicitly deleted, storage is still loaded when you start the browser session
  • First request memory loading - because browsers load data into memory, it could use a lot of memory if many tabs are utilizing web storage mechanisms.

Web storage does offer you a simple, direct way to store user data, with caveats that it can degrade performance if you do not use it wisely thanks to its synchronous, I/O nature. Much like anything else you code, understand its utility and its nuances before using it, and don’t be greedy. It very well can bite you in the rear end if you expect too much.