The .NET Stacks #65: đź’ˇ Is there hope for a modern C# model?

This week, we explore the question: will we ever see a sleeker "modern C#" language subset?

Dave Brock
Dave Brock

Happy Monday to you all and happy October. I hope you have a good week. My goal: to develop a data model simpler than this one.

Here's what we have this week:

  • Exploring modern C#
  • Custom deployment layouts for Blazor WebAssembly apps
  • Last week in the .NET world

Exploring modern C#

With the official release of .NET 6 next month, we'll see the release of C# 10. Much like the .NET platform as a whole, the language is beginning to adopt incremental, annual releases going forward. The C# 10 release brings us features like record structs, global using directives, extended property patterns, file-scoped namespaces, and so on. Richard Lander's .NET 6 RC2 announcement will be looking into some of these.

As C# has shifted over the years from a strict OO language to a more general-purpose one, it's experienced some pushback on how heavy it's become. We tend to go in circles in the .NET community: yes, there's a lot—it needs to evolve to be a modern language, but it also can't break people who rely on the older features. Right on time, the newsletter Twitter account posted a link to an article asking: is C# too complex? It spawned an interesting discussion, both about the article itself and of C#.

I like what Kathleen Dollard, a Microsoft PM for .NET Core CLI and Languages, had to say:

Still, I don't think it's realistic to expect a single way to do things, but it can get out of hand. As a simple example, there are at least a half dozen ways to check if a string is empty. It's that there are so many ways to do a single thing: some are modern and some best practices, some not—all the while, we know the language will never take anything away for backward compatibility reasons.

For us experienced developers, we can say the language is evolving and just "use what works best for you." What if you don't, or don't want the mental weight of dealing with it all?

As I was listening to C# language designer Mads Torgersen on Bryan Hogan's No Dogma podcast, I found this following exchange quite interesting. (I know there's a lot in this exchange, but I wanted to post it all to avoid taking anything out of context.)

Q: All of these new features, feel like new ways of doing old things and I would imagine they could get confusing. A criticism about C# that's been around for a while is that there are so many ways to do one thing anyway, and now you've added a whole bunch of new ways to do things I could do already.
A: Yes. That's a real challenge. If you have a programming language and you want to keep it the best option for somebody making the next project, it has to be modern. It has to have ways of doing things that are as expressive, as sleek,  as ergonomic, performant, fast, and efficient as the other languages. So we have to keep evolving to do that. Now at the same time, we don't like throwing things out because we break people's existing code. What's a programming language designer to do?
We've lived with this conundrum for a while. I think we're starting to circle in on at least a partial solution to it. I can't say for sure that we're going to do this or how we're going to do it, but ... someone like Bill Wagner, who is doing our documentation and working on the C# Standard ...he's very essential in this discussion, said: "How about we try to define modern C#?" If you're coming to C# fresh or even as an existing C# programmer in general—if you have a pretty clean slate, this is the subset that you should be using. If you're outside of that subset it's either because you're trying something fancy like using Span<T> to do efficiency stuff or unsafe code, or it's because you're doing some legacy things. Otherwise, these are the ways you should be doing things.
And then we could reinforce that from the documentation point of view, from a learning point of view, and also from a tooling point of view—we would take these templates and take those little suggestions and say: "Hey, that's kind of an old fashioned thing you're doing there, it would be sleeker to use pattern matching here, why don't you?" In fact, we have plenty of those in place already. We just don't have a coordinated set of features that are like "this is modern C#."
Then that evolves with the language, like when usings come in and some other things fall out of what modern C# is. And now there's a better way to do things. Now, we don't tell you to put usings on top of the file anymore, and we don't have guidelines about whether to prune or not ... that's just gone out of modern C# and now a modern C# programmer doesn't do that anymore.  A sliding window that's current C# might help as long as we don't make it a worse experience to use all of the language. But maybe we can make it an even better experience to use the modern part of the language and can give you more guidance if you're not a veteran or if you don't want to chase down all the reasons for doing one or the other and you just want a recommendation—how should I be doing this? This is what we're currently working on.

I found this very interesting. A C# subset is not a new idea but I think Microsoft working on it is. In the past, I've seen some Microsoft resistance to that idea. It's early days but promising for the future of C#.

Custom deployment layouts for Blazor Web Assembly apps

This week, on the ASP.NET Blog, Javier Calvarro Nelson wrote about new .NET 6 extensibility points that will allow development teams to customize which files to package and publish with Blazor WebAssembly apps. The idea is that you could reuse this as a NuGet package. As Javier notes, this is important because some environments block and download the execution of DLLs from the network for security reasons.

The article lays out how to build the package yourself, but you don't have to. According to Daniel Roth, you can use a prebuilt experimental NuGet package to try it out. To use it, add a reference from your client project, update the server project to add the endpoint, and then publish your app. This is a good first step—hopefully, the end goal is to provide this out of the box.

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